Playbook: How to Sell to the CFO

Sales deals are getting squashed by finance left, right and center. This playbook by 30 Minutes to President’s Club gives you the three tools you need to win the sale with the CFO. All tactics, no fluff.
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Instead of getting your deal demolished at the 11th hour by the finance gods, get the exact tools you need to win the sale with the CFO.

Here's what's inside:

The 5-minute drill
 Sell your champion on engaging the CFO with a simple disco talk track.

The mini-MAP email
Cement the CFO into the buying process with this super effective email recap.

Pre-negotiation checklist and live-negotiation talk tracks
A step-by-step on the beginning, middle, and end of a negotiation.

Grab the playbook made by sales pros for sales pros

30 Minutes to President’s Club is the #1 sales podcast in the world, fueled by hyper-actionable sales tactics. In this playbook, they reveal their best tactics for getting a yes from the CFO.